Kevin was slowly dying day by day, but he did the unthinkable and a miracle occurred

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 18, 2017Stories
Kevin was slowly dying day by day, but he did the unthinkable and a miracle occurred

Four days a week, Kevin Campbell—diagnosed with slow progressive kidney disease—was hooked up to a dialysis machine to filter his blood. His kidneys were functioning at 4 percent capacity. It was June 2012.

To be closer to the hospital, Kevin had to move away from his only daughter, Julia. Hiss name was on a waiting list along with 4,500 other Canadians. He prayed for the gift of life to come. Kevin knew that his time was running out, but he never gave up believing.


Julia watched her dad from the sidelines, cheering him on.

He insisted on competing in the Tough Mudder Eventsthe first person on dialysis and transplant wait-list to compete in the extremely exhausting and demanding 12 mile, military-style obstacle course.


Kevin collapsed at one point during the competition, but he pulled himself up, and carried on, gritting his teeth. He refused to be beaten.



A miracle occurs

After  the surgery , Kevin was able to travel and see his daughter Julia and surprise her. It was an emotional reunion between father and daughter as Kevin told her what this transplant meant to him and she realized then how much it meant to her as well.




July 2013

Kevin and his daughter get to do what they wanted the most – spent quality team with each other. They watched the Canada Day fireworks celebration together.

Kevin’s time was running out. He was in the transplant wait list along with 4500 fellow Canadians. He was constantly praying to receive the precious gift of life.



And the miracle happened!



Post his surgery, for the first time Kevin travelled to his daughter and surprised her. For both of them it was a very emotional reunion.


After 6 months

Kevin & Darin meet again. Kevin embraces his selfless Hero who gave him the precious gift of life.


PHOTOGRAPHS by Melissa Reinek Photography

Source: I can wait project