Kids put to the test – Would you help someone in need?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 23, 2017Stories


We’ve all seen “social experiments” caught on camera before, but the magic of bringing out the best in people never grows old. In this particular case, it’s the kids who are put to the test. First, randomly stopped by this guy named Riceman and asked some “ice-breaker” questions, including “who” they would like to when they grew up. The responses were consistently professions that all involved helping others. A vet, police officer, and a doctor were among their responses.


Then they were each given $20 from their interviewer and asked what they would do with the gift of cash they had just received. As you can imagine, they had a few ideas of how to spend the money on themselves.


Finally, the BIG question was posed. “Would you consider using that money to help someone on the street who needed your help right now?” The kids thought, and each said they would indeed help, each answering how they would you help them in their own way.


And then the test. Riceman’s friend, Dlagtv, was just down the way posed as a homeless man holding a sign and begging for money. One by one, each $20 child-recipient handed over the money they had been unexpectedly given to Dlagtv.


Riceman said he conducted this social experience and wants as many people as possible to see it because “it shows that kids do not discriminate when it comes to helping people. Many adults probably think twice before giving or never would even think about to those in need.”


Win-win. Nice job, kids! We could use more people like these kids in the world, don’t you think?