Kids were sleeping on the sofas when armed burglars walked around searching for precious things

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 7, 2016Style

We all know someone among our friends and family who could literally sleep through anything. Usually it comes off as a joke when someone says that they could, “sleep through an earthquake,” but it turns out that two innocent children can actually tell their friends they could “sleep through a burglary!”

Imagine waking up one morning and finding out that your credit cards had gone missing, along with some other items you owned. After a good amount of searching, it became clear that it just wasn’t there to be found. This happened for a grandfather who was quite confused when he went through this same exact scenario.

Luckily, he had security cameras to check if someone could have possibly broken into their home. But surely they would have heard it, right? His two granddaughters were spending the night for a sleepover, and they had fallen asleep in the living room after watching television or a movie, so no one would be crazy enough to break into a home with the two children lying right there.

But the criminals must have been desperate when they picked through belongings that weren’t theirs, and they almost got away with it!

To make matters even scarier, one of the criminals had a handgun and seemed to even be waving it around; horrifying.

It’s actually lucky that these two are such heavy sleepers. If they had woken up and caused a ruckus, the criminals might have pulled the trigger before the victims could have even defended themselves. If the grandfather or grandmother had woken up, police say they could have been shot!

While these two men are on the run right now, something tells us that this footage might put them both behind bars soon enough!