Kind grocery store owner provides quality education to slum kids in innovative classroom – under a bridge

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 1, 2017Stories
Kind grocery store owner provides quality education to slum kids in innovative classroom – under a bridge

A large number of city-run government schools claim to provide education to children living in slums. Quite a few of them do a reasonably good job, but most leave a lot wanting in terms of quality. Funded by the government, the staff is not always qualified, or motivated enough to reach out to those in poverty stricken areas.

Rajesh Sharma owns a grocery store in India. Having faced hard times himself, he was unable fulfill his dream—completing his education. He noticed that children around him, the ones in the slums, were going to school but were not receiving a desirable education. He had experienced firsthand, the difficulties faced by these young students. He wondered how he could balance both running his store and helping these children. This was the thought that came to him seven years ago.

Today, Rajesh is not just a typical store owner. He spends the early hours of the day, running a school for a class of youngsters. The space would require a roof and protection from the elements. He thought of the perfect place—a classroom under a local bridge.

He started with just a couple of children in his class. Over a period of seven years, the number has grown to over 200 children. The class runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Some children continue to go to government funded schools he rest of the day, and Sharma then leaves to run his grocery store.

Sharma had received a decent education himself as far as it went, but he was not able to complete his college education due to financial constraints. He felt he could contribute by imparting some additional bit of knowledge that would bring about a change in their lives.

Several altruistic people in the local area observed his selfless work and appreciated what he was doing, so they have been donating funds that help to buy supplies for the children, like notebooks, pencils and more.

For seven years now, Rajesh Sharma has been conducting classes for children under a local bridge. The bright smiles convey their enthusiasm. Don’t miss the specially created blackboards.

For seven years now, Rajesh Sharma has been teaching classes under the bridge. The kids know they are getting something special.

He started with just a few children. The number has grown considerably over time.

When everything first started, there were only two or three kids that attended the class. It has grown much larger over time.

Forty-five-year-old Sharma spends a good part of the morning with his precious children. He then spends the rest of the day at his grocery store.

 45-year-old Sharma closes out each day running the grocery store that he owns. He puts in a full day's worth of work every single day.

After attending Sharma’s classes in the morning, many children also go to public school in the afternoon. The additional education they get at this special school is priceless.

After the morning classes, many of the kids go to public school in the afternoon. The additional education they are getting is invaluable.

They don’t acquire just more knowledge.  They also learn other life skills and the value of caring and sharing.

The kids love the morning classes. They get much more out of it than just knowledge. They are learning the value in helping others.

The donations received from kind residents help with the running of the school. The numbers grew so large that additional help was required.

The school is able to continue because the public makes donations so it can keep going. It has grown to the point that it needed help to continue.

What started out with just a few children has now reached over 200. Each and every child enthusiastically looks forward to the special morning classes.

What started out as two or three kids is now over 200 kids. Each and every one of them look forward to the morning classes.

The children have a great time, besides learning . They learn in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

They love going because not only do they learn more, but they have a blast at the same time. The best way to a good education is to have fun in doing so.

Sharma was forced to drop out of college, so he does not want the children to suffer the same fate. If forced to, they would at least go with the additional knowledge he is able to give them.

Sharma dropped out of college and he wanted to steer these kids from doing the same thing. If they ended up doing so at least they would have the additional knowledge he gives them.

The happy, satisfied, smiling faces of eager, enthusiastic children is surely the good reward Sharma enjoys!

No contribution is too little! It is the thought that counts.