Kindhearted lady finally rescued a cat suffering from a contagious disease, when others just ignored it!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 22, 2017Stories
Kindhearted lady finally rescued a cat suffering from a contagious disease, when others just ignored it!

This kitty’s eyes were shut from being caked and swollen, as he suffered from a highly contagious disease and so no one dared come near him. But a kind hearted soul thought above all of that, and answered the pitiable little kitty’s cry for help.

Valentino was rescued and brought to an animal shelter, but his woes were far from over. He suffered from a condition called Sarcoptic Mange — a highly contagious skin disease caused by mites that burrow through the skin causing intense itching and irritation. The condition is highly contagious both to cats, dogs and humans.

As a result, nobody dared to come near this poor kitty. His coat was hardened and riddled with grime. He just lay there in one of the cages of the Baldwin Park animal shelter, begging for any passers-by to pay some attention to him.

When Elaine Seamans passed by Valentino’s cage, she heard the mew of a sad cat, as if calling for help.

“He reached out with his little paw and made the tiniest meow,” Seamans tells The Dodo.

“It was like he was screaming without verbalizing it: ‘Please help me’… There are times when it’s not an option to keep walking,” she adds. “You just have to stop. This was one of those times.”

The woman picked up the diseased cat and held him close to her bosom. That she wasn’t wearing any  gloves, did not matter to her in the least.
“When I picked him up, he put his little head on my shoulder,” Seamans says. “That was it. I had to get him out.”
She then arranged for the kitty to be sent straight to the vet. She contacted Toby Wisneski from Leave No Paws Behind, who did the needful, and took the kitty to the vet. His medical treatment has begun, and he is getting the best care possible.
They hope he will be cured soon and become ready for adoption soon!
