Kitten born with hind legs folded into ‘W’ was about to face euthanasia but one thoughtful vet saved his life!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 20, 2017Stories
Kitten born with hind legs folded into ‘W’ was about to face euthanasia but one thoughtful vet saved his life!

This cute little soul was born with a rare deformity which just did not make it possible for him to walk or even stand up. But the little kitty got lucky when he was saved by the right animal shelter!

Chicago Animal Shelter found a little kitten, named Stockings, when he was just a week old and they brought him to the Tree House Humane Society last year.

The hind legs were turned inward and fixed into a “W” position, twisted like a pretzel. He was also underweight and had an upper respiratory infection coming up.

“He had to drag his whole behind, and we knew that was going to be a really difficult way to live” Tree House spokeswoman Jenny Schlueter, told ABC Chicago.
So how was kitty to live his entire life dragging himself around? A solution had to be found.
A surgery was considered although, whether it would be successful was a question. The cost of treatment too would be high. Dr. Lynda Ewald, the shelter’s veterinary services director, consulted with an orthopedic specialist and decided on a plan on how to go about Stockings’ treatment.
Stockings would undergo a series of surgeries to cut the tendons of his hind legs out so that they could be extended and properly aligned. The first surgery took place in October, followed by three more surgeries.
All along, he was tended by a foster mother who also  happened to be a veterinary technician.This worked perfectly for the kitty.
stockings standing
Stockings has borne through all the three surgeries and has slowly recovered. He has now “blossomed into a rambunctious, lively, and energetic kitten,” who is able to run, walk, play and stand on his hind legs, the shelter reports.

What worked out best for him was his foster mother adopted Stockings — so he now has a new permanent home.


Good for you Stockings. We wish all little animals are brave and fortunate as you, to find kind humans as you did.

Watch the Tree House Humane Society video below!