Labrador retriever still leads the pack of most popular dogs in America

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 22, 2017US News

The friendly, and often clumsy, Labrador retriever has retained its longheld title as the most popular dog breed in the United States, while the fearless Rottweiler has climbed to its highest ranking in 20 years, the American Kennel Club announced on March 21.

The nation’s most sought after dogs of 2016 were unveiled in New York City by the purebred dog registry.

Labrador retrievers, commonly called “Labs,” have held their slot as the most popular breed for each of the past 26 years, making them the longest-reigning leader of the pack.

Placing second, third, and fourth were the German shepherd, golden retriever and English bulldog, respectively. Beagles were fifth most popular while French bulldogs placed sixth. The top six breeds remained the same as in 2015. Poodles were seventh and Rottweilers eighth, each jumping one spot higher than the last lineup. Yorkshire terriers dropped two spots to place ninth and boxers held firm in the 10th spot.

Once a breed is added to the list of some 200 breeds and varieties currently recognized by the club, it is eligible to compete in the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Perhaps ironically, Westminster has never selected a Labrador retriever as winner in the shows 141-year history.