Lady adopts cat from shelter, but does the right thing after realizing its sadness

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 20, 2017Stories
Lady adopts cat from shelter, but does the right thing after realizing its sadness

Cats abandoned by their owners are kept in shelters in the hope that a caring family will adopt them. This is especially difficult for older animals.

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An eleven-year-old cat called Mojo was dropped off at the Anne Arundel County Animal Control in Maryland. Along with him was his companion Max, a 16-year-old. But its was quite unlikely that these two would be together for much longer because it’s already difficult to find adoptive homes for older cats, let alone keep them in the shelters indefinitely.

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Source: Purrtacular

In this way, the two friends were separated into different cages. Then, a woman came and adopted Mojo. “About a month ago, this lady adopted Mojo, an 11-year-old cat who came to the shelter with another cat, Max, who is 16,” the shelter wrote on Facebook. It turns out the cat missed his older companion. The lady soon picked up on this. “Mojo has been a wonderful pet, she said, but she couldn’t get Max out of her mind. ‘The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart,’ she said.” Happily, the woman went back to the shelter and adopted Max as well.

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Clearly the two were meant to spend the rest of one of their nine lives’ together.

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