Lauren Tilden: ‘Birds of the Air, Grass of the Field’ | Pure Beauty

Presenting an inspiring story from award-winning painter Lauren Tilden.

Her painting “Birds of the Air, Grass of the Field” won the Bronze Award from the NTD International Figure Painting Competition in 2019.

“Working on that painting was a reminder to me not to worry. There is more to life than the issue you are facing at this moment,” Tilden said.

While contemplating the value of human life and how precious it is, the artist’s own young daughter became her stand-in, her persona in the painting.

Join us on this wonderful journey to visit Tilden in West Virginia.


The NTD International Figure Painting competition is a groundbreaking effort to pave a path for humankind to return to truly fine art.

Its mission, “Pure Truth, Kindness, and Beauty,” has inspired many artists in creating art that is both profound in content as well as perfect in technique.

To view more of the art collection, please visit our online art store.