Learn to detox your mind and body and find yourself a whole new person!

When you hear the word “detox,” normally smoothies, teas and just eating vegetables comes to mind. But actually, detoxing can be so much more than that, and today we’re going to show you the best ways to detox your skin, body AND mind!

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Steam your face using hot water – this is like giving your face a sauna or facial right in your bathroom. Not only does it help to destress, it can also suck out all the grime, impurities and toxins that you’ve built up in your pores over the week.

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Detox your body by making a healthy green smoothie with nutritional fruits and vegetables! Here are the ingredients we like to use: mango, pineapple, spinach, lemon juice, parsley, apple, cucumber, green grapes and spirulina.

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Similar to toxins accumulating in the body, if we aren’t being mindful of our thoughts, toxins in the form of recurring thought patterns, notions, and negative beliefs about ourselves can form as well.

Journaling and practicing gratitude are great ways to help detox your mind. By spending a few minutes every morning and night reflecting and writing down 3 things you’re grateful for and 3 amazing things that happened, you’ll be able to start and end the day beaming with gratitude.

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Just remember, the smaller changes are often the most powerful, and that small, incremental improvements leads to big results over time!

For detailed directions and more information, watch the full video: How to Detox Your Skin, Body & Mind 

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