Life Coach Reflects on Principles in ‘How Humankind Came To Be’

Randy Brinson, a life coach, has spent a career helping people try to become the best versions of themselves. He said he thought people innately want to be good, but the problem today is that young people are no longer being taught this essential wisdom.

The world has veered far off track, and positive influences need to reach young people if the world is to come back on track again, he said. So when he received the article “How Humankind Came To Be” by Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi, Brinson said he thought “this is great!” because it contained just what young people would need to know.

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Randy Brinson. (Courtesy of Randy Brinson)

“I said, this is good stuff, and I think probably every junior high student should read it, and then read it again,” he said. “It talked about the type of thinking, or type of priorities that people who can maintain, identify, and hold on to those beliefs can indeed have a good life, happiness, freedom … and make important contributions to society and people around them.”

“I think that he [Mr. Li] can make a difference,” Brinson said.