Coworker laughs at ‘retard costume,’ man pulls up a picture and shut them up

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 3, 2017Stories
Coworker laughs at ‘retard costume,’ man pulls up a picture and shut them up

We humans are innately loving and kind; it’s only that if we try to spread this virtue around by treating others with respect and considering others first, can our world become an amazing planet to live on!

This is an heart-touching story of a father of a little girl who is suffering from Down’s Syndrome, whose co-workers were cracking casual jokes about retards.

Instead of getting crazy and resentful, he taught them a life changing lesson in a unique compassionate way – as a proud father, he showed them the picture of his little girl! An action that truly deserves appreciation.


His wife, Shannon Daughtry, in her now-viral post shared by Love What Matters, recounted a very personal story her husband told her, accompanied by a photo of her beautiful little girl, Raegan:

“So, I just can’t shake this sad feeling I have had since my husband told me this story today.

“I wasn’t going to share it, but then decided that if it could enlighten one person, that it would be worth it.

“My husband, Dustin, was at work yesterday, sitting at a big lunch table of about 15 people.

“These are all guys that he waves hello to but doesn’t really know on a personal level.”


“Anyway, one of the guys starts telling the whole group a story about a Halloween party that he attended this past weekend.

“The guy says ‘OMG, my brother came to the party and had the best costume. He went as a RETARD! Oh man, it was hilarious! He was awesome. He looked like such a good retard!’”


“My husband was totally taken aback and just sat there pretty stunned for a moment while he gathered his thoughts.

“Meanwhile, some of the guys were laughing at the story, while some were just listening.

“So Dustin, almost giving the impression that he was going along with it said, with a small smile, ‘Well, wait, what does a retard look like?’

“The guy just said, ‘I don’t know, but he was good! He was the perfect retard.’”


“So a couple seconds go by while Dustin took out his phone and pulled up this picture of our daughter, and then pushed his phone to the center of the table.”

“He said ‘This is my little girl, Raegan.’

“And all the guys, including the storyteller, lean in to look and they all start saying ‘Awww, she’s adorable!’ ‘Wow, Cute kid, man’ etc…”


“Dustin then looked at the storyteller and said, ‘Thanks, she is amazing. She has Down syndrome. So, I’m sure you can imagine that I don’t appreciate this costume conversation. I’m just wondering, is she what a retard looks like, to you?’”

“Of course, mouths dropped and there was total silence while the guy tried to say that wasn’t what he meant, on and on….”


“Dustin just went on to explain why that word is so hurtful, shouldn’t be used, and especially how insulting it was to use it as a joke and a costume.

“Yeah, I’m sure it was pretty uncomfortable for everyone involved.

“But I think that those people at the lunch table probably went home with a little better understanding of why that word is so offensive and hurtful, especially to a family like ours.”


“And I think one guy in particular probably went home feeling like a total jerk.

“At least some good came out of it, but it still makes me feel so sad that some people look at our kids as a joke.

“I’ve said it a thousand times. There are so many words in the dictionary that you can use in place of the ‘R’ word.

“Please, for Raegan’s sake, consider using a different one.”

If you were touched by this story of two parents doing what they can against thoughtless cruelty, please make sure to SHARE this Halloween season. You might just be the reason that someone leaves their hurtful costume at home.