Locals Flee As Virus Cases Rise in China

Don Ma
By Don Ma
December 10, 2020China in Focus

Local authorities in China’s southwestern Sichuan province announced that the province was entering “wartime” status on Tuesday.

Crowds of people have been spotted in cars driving out of the province’s capital. This, after an outbreak of virus cases. The capital, Chengdu is home to 16 million residents.

By China’s numbers, seven people have tested positive in the city in the last two days. But the Chinese regime has a history of under reporting cases, so it’s suspected the real number is much higher.

Hundreds of testing sites have been set up in the capital and mandatory testing is required for residents. Lockdowns are also being enforced.

One university is now under complete lockdown. Since Tuesday, no one has been allowed to leave the campus, and students must quarantine.

Authorities forced all local restaurants and grocery stores to close, while a nearby hospital also closed its doors.

Chengdu’s airport already cancelled more than 100 flights.

Chengdu resident Ms. Xiong said: “The public is afraid of the virus. Many hospitals are being isolated. Schools are closed. You must wear a mask when you go out and you must show your QR health code. Prices are rising, and life is harder now,  everyday life is becoming stressful.”

The measures come after one woman, confirmed to be infected on Tuesday, traveled to multiple locations and came in contact with dozens in the city. Authorities are closing down the areas she visited, and quarantining those who were near her.

Another resident told us he believes that despite the rise in virus cases, authorities don’t really care. He says they’re just going through the motions with testing measures and lockdowns.

“You must wear masks in all public places. The government notices, street notices, all of them are formalities. Going through the motions just to put on an appearance. The temperature checking are all just gestures. In reality, they are not doing enough. Some measure are fake,” he said.

People in Chengdu expressed concerns the city might have to endure lockdowns similar to Wuhan, the virus epicenter.

Locals are leaving en mass through train stations and in cars, while others are buying out pharmacy shelves.

During Wuhan’s lockdowns earlier this year, hospitals filled quickly, and many infected patients were forced to stay at home, often infecting the rest of their families.

Others died of preexisting conditions, because hospitals only accepted virus patients.