Loving dad gets a tattoo to support 6-year-old differently-abled daughter

Venus Upadhayaya
By Venus Upadhayaya
February 3, 2017Stories
Loving dad gets a tattoo to support 6-year-old differently-abled daughter

Alistair Campbell, a loving dad from New Zealand got a cochlear implant tattooed on his head when his six-year-old daughter, Charlotte got one as hearing loss treatment. He wanted her not to feel odd one out.

Screenshot of the image on Twitter.
Screenshot of the image on Twitter.

According to New Zealand Herald, Charlotte had her first implant in 2014 when she was four years old. Then in 2016 she had a second one done at Gillies Hospital.

In a loving gesture of support for his daughter, Alistair got one tattooed on the left side of his head. He wanted to let her know that he can also bear pain for her.

“My love for her really,” he told Herald. “Hey my hair can grow back.”

Alistair had to shave off his head completely for it but said he would grow it back. He had decided to shave off his head on special occasions or when Charlotte wanted to see the tattoo.

Charlotte liked her dad’s tattoo and giggled and touched it and told him it was “cool”.

Source: Today
Source: Today

Her mum, Anita Campbell said Charlotte is too young to understand her dad’s gesture. She was hoping for success for the implant in her daughter’s right ear. Charlotte’s brother, eight-year-old Lewis also required a hearing aid so the mother wasn’t surprised when her daughter also got one.

A photo on Twitter of Alistair holding Charlotte and showing his tattoo had gone viral.