Magic tricks and real magic to refresh our minds

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 5, 2017Entertainment
Magic tricks and real magic to refresh our minds

Everyone likes a good magic show. It surprises us, refreshes our perceptions and leaves us in wonder. Isn’t it true? You will agree with me after watching this video:

But inside ourselves we think “there is no real magic”. We’ve been told from an early age that there are no dragons, no wizards and no mermaids. These are all fantasies and should be left in the fantasy world. That reality is dull, plain and un-magical. A good magic show can for a short time restore our early faith in the magical world that is full of amazement and wonder. But we quickly realize that these are only tricks made to deceive our eyes.

So does magic really not exist? Some would argue that what is magical is in fact science. That magic lies in the intricately complicated law of physics that we can harness to do magic-like performances. This was beautifully shown in the movie “Prestige”, where the two main characters where competing magicians. One of them wanted to win so much, that he turned to the 19th century inventor Nikola Tesla with a request for help. Tesla built for him a machine that would perform astonishing things. But this was still based on science, and not some sort of supernatural force.

Others would argue that there exists real magic and that some people really do posses some kind of super-normal skills. For example, you may come across stories of qigong masters or great yogis that can move objects with their thoughts, levitate or even control their heartbeat.

But despite this being true or not I think that we all sometimes forget that real magic does exist in our everyday lives and it’s very real and tangible. It’s in our acts of kindness and compassion. It’s seen on the street when we help someone in need; it’s seen in our homes when we care about our relatives. Maybe it’s not so visually spectacular as one would expect, maybe it’s hard to see it sometimes, but believe me it’s power is far greater than the powers we usually associate with magic. And it’s effects are truly magical.