Mama dog begs for food a to feed her hungry little puppies!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 9, 2017Stories
Mama dog begs for food a to feed her hungry little puppies!

After tucking her babies in a place she feels they will be secure, an obviously hungry mother dog goes around in search of food. In spite of being hungry herself, like all loving mothers she feeds her puppies first!

A kind hearted soul offers a piece of grilled chicken to a dog on the roadside.  She grabs it and runs off.  But after a while she is back, asking for more.  Obviously, she could not have eaten the chicken so quickly! This gets the man curious.  So he offers him another piece and decides to follow the dog.  What he witnesses was an extremely emotional scene.

The dog runs off to a place where she has tucked her little pups safely.  As soon as they see their mom coming, they run to her – just as our little children do when we return from the supermarket with bags full of goodies.  She then drops the chicken piece in front of them.

The mother dog herself would have been hungry for sure.  But all mothers – humans or animal, cannot and will not feed themselves till their children are fed first.

Watch this video how this heart-warming story ends.