Man Marries Woman Who Stopped Him From Committing Suicide 10 Years Ago

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
August 30, 2017US News
Man Marries Woman Who Stopped Him From Committing Suicide 10 Years Ago
A couple exchanges rings as they are wed during a wedding. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Kevin Walsh married a woman who he credits with saving his life 10 years ago.

Back in his teenage years, he had fallen into a deep depression. He was at a point where he was just about to attempt suicide. But at the critical moment he received a call from a friend who he had not spoken to in a year, as he shared in a post on Quora, in response to the question “What is one moment in your life you thought could only happen in a movie?”

“I was probably between five to 10 seconds away from taking my own life,” said Walsh, expressing the direness of the situation, in an interview with People.

On the other end of the phone was Blake Moore, now Mrs. Blake Walsh. During the course of the phone call they caught each other up on the year that had passed. He also admitted to her what he was in the act of doing.

“Knowing his personality, he’s very analytical, and I knew if he had ended up at that point, he had taken all the steps to get there and he wasn’t doing it for attention,” Blake told People. “This was something he was going to do, and I’m very grateful that I picked up because if I hadn’t, he wouldn’t be here now.”

The couple disputes what actually happened at that critical moment. As Blake remembers it, as he called her. As Kevin remembers it, she called him. There is also a dispute about whether they would have even still had each other’s phone numbers, since Kevin said he switched his number after he bought a new phone.

“I think both of our recollections are true,” said Blake. “A force must have intervened to connect us and make it happen.”

After that miraculous phone call, the two kept in contact and maintained their friendship over the years. Blake went through a severe breakup with a guy she was dating. Kevin helped her through it, and then confessed his love. He proposed soon after. The two got married, about 10 years after that phone call that saved Kevin’s life.

The two met at bible camp in Michigan. Kevin was surprised by Blake at the time after she approached him and commented that he looked good in black. He was baffled by the comment, but it was the catalyst to their future relationship.

Ten years later he gave her a black diamond ring, a homage to the comment Blake made when the two first met.

Kevin offered words of advice to those contemplating suicide, given his own experience. “I think there is something to be said for speaking something out loud,” he said. “To talk to somebody, and to give somebody the opportunity to care about you, is something that could save your life.”