Man Mauled to Death by Dogs

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 7, 2019Animal
Man Mauled to Death by Dogs
Stock image of a man being attacked by a dog in a controlled environment. (12019/Pixabay)

Authorities say a Florida man appears to have been mauled to death by a pack of dogs.

Highlands County Sheriff’s Office news release says a preliminary examination performed Friday on 45-year-old Melvin Olds Jr. found that he had suffered more than 100 dog bites. No other wounds were immediately found.

Investigators say Olds was found dead Thursday in a wooded area near Lake Placid.

Animal Services officers have set traps while patrolling the area to look for loose dogs. They had captured six dogs that matched the bite sizes on Olds by Friday. DNA tests will determine whether any of the animals attacked the man.

Sheriff Paul Blackman was encouraging residents to keep away from stray dogs.

In more positive canine news, Blake, a stray dog, arrived at Genesee County Animal Control.

Blake and I were on the news today!

Sharon Sperow စာစုတင်ရာတွင် အသုံးပြုမှု ၂၀၁၉၊ မတ် ၂၆၊ အင်္ဂါနေ့

Months went by but no one claimed him and no one adopted him.

For Sharon Sperow, who fosters animals, Blake stood out.

“He was here for a couple months and wasn’t doing very well, so in December I decided to take him to my house and let him decompress and relax and get out of the shelter life,” said Sperow.

Blake got ahold of my scrub brush. Reminded me of you Marie Birchmeier Oliver.

Sharon Sperow စာစုတင်ရာတွင် အသုံးပြုမှု ၂၀၁၉၊ မတ် ၂၇၊ ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့

The two-year-old Pitbull has been working with her for months.

“He’s totally focused on the tennis ball and he’s extremely intelligent and he’s very active,” said Sperow. “He’s just a great, great guy.”

The more Sperow worked with him, the more she thought he was special. She began thinking he could serve a purpose—as a K9 detection dog.

Cheri Martin စာစုတင်ရာတွင် အသုံးပြုမှု ၂၀၁၉၊ မတ် ၂၅၊ တနင်္လာနေ့

“The three requirements they have for the officer is tennis ball and they have to be two years old or younger and they have to be dog and people friendly,” said Sperow.

Blake matched the criteria and Animal Farm Foundation in New York, who works to get Pitbull’s out of shelters and into police stations as detection dogs, agreed.

Cheri Martin စာစုတင်ရာတွင် အသုံးပြုမှု ၂၀၁၉၊ မတ် ၂၅၊ တနင်္လာနေ့

They found him a spot with Sector K9 in Texas and will be funding his training. Soon he’ll be part of a police department.

“Training is 8 weeks,” said Sperow. “It’s very intense and the last two weeks of training that’s when he meets his handler who will be his partner for life.”

Danielle Macko, volunteer coordinator with Genesee County Animal Control says Blake is getting a rare opportunity.

“He’s going to be the first dog to have an opportunity like this from Genesee County Animal Control,” said Macko. “We don’t know what state he’s going to end up in whatever police department he ends up in they’re going to be so lucky.”

Blake’s journey to Texas begins Sunday and he’ll be missed greatly in Genesee County.

The Associated Press and CNN wire contributed to this article