China Evergrande Investors Crowd Headquarters in Protest

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
September 13, 2021China in Focus

A new CCP (Chinese Communist Partyvirus outbreak hits China. A man tests positive after three weeks in quarantine and testing negative nine times.

A super typhoon is heading toward South China. It’s losing strength along the way, but coastal areas are still bracing themselves.

Beijing’s World Robot Conference featured a Chinese-speaking Albert Einstein, backflipping dogs, and AI nurses. But controversy is stirring despite the grand displays.

Investors who backed China’s second-largest property developer are demanding their money back. Nearly 300 real estate companies reportedly filed for bankruptcy already this year. If their company joins the list, it could send shockwaves through China’s economy.

A Wall Street Journal investigation accuses Tiktok of allegedly promoting sexual content to minors.

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