Many Seats in Congress Up for Vote on Election Day

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
November 6, 2018US News

Americans began to cast votes on Nov. 6, in a vote which will determine the balance of power between the two main political parties in Congress.

Voters arrived bright and early to polling stations in New York’s Manhattan and outside Washington, in Arlington, Virginia, where voting was brisk.

These are the first national elections since Trump captured the White House in his unexpected 2016 victory. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are on the ballot. Thirty-five of the 100 Senate seats are being voted on. The state governor position is also up for election in 36 out of 50 states.

The election is expected to determine whether President Trump and the Republican Party can continue the current administration’s “America First” agenda or whether the Democratic Party will gain enough power in Congress to stifle efforts the president has made to improve the economy, lower taxes, and control immigration.

Leading up to the elections, President Trump held rallies around the country to give his support to certain candidates.