Marble racing, a fun solution to a boring day

Marble racing, a fun solution to a boring day

Can little small colored spheres overtake you and conquer your heart? You could say “impossible!”. But I challenge you to watch a marble race and remain unmoved. Just different glass balls in different colors? Not anymore! Now they are personified racers, competing for first prize. Who is going to win? Oh, you think that because there are no rational actors involved, and this is all inanimate matter, that the race will be always predictable? Do you assume that the first ball that is dropped at the starting line will always win, because of simple gravity? Well, you couldn’t be more wrong! There are many obstacles waiting for the marbles along the way, and according to the “butterfly effect” each race will be totally different.

Enjoy, but be warned, watching these marble races can be surprisingly addictive!