Heroic veteran suffering from depression, receives a surprise puppy present to help fight with his disorder

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 9, 2017Stories
Heroic veteran suffering from depression, receives a surprise puppy present to help fight with his disorder

Soldiers are the heroes who not only protect our nations, but are also those who actually face the real life-death situations while honoring their duties on the front lines.

Coming back to civilian life after serving their country in the war zone, can be most challenging even for the strongest of men and women. More often than not our veterans come home and have trouble adjusting to the society, because they suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The extreme stress and trauma of witnessing and participating in the battle, make their path back into the civilian life incredibly difficult and manifest in form of nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, or depression.

26-year-old Marine, Peter Coukoulis has been having a tough time adjusting from almost three years after coming back home to Tallahassee, Florida after coming back home.

Peter now battles daily with his new enemy -the effects of PTSD. his family being silent and sad witnesses of a changed man they loved so much.

So after much heartache, his mother Dena came up with idea of a brilliant surprise present this Christmas, and she hoped that it would bring her son some hope and much needed joy. Peter’s mother gathered rest of the family, a few weeks before Christmas to give him the surprise gift he’ll remember for the rest of his life.

The courageous soldier was about to get a cute, little tail wagging bundle of joy!

NTD Photo
Screenshot of video from Caters News Agency / Facebook

The Marine had a look of anticipation and smile on his face on when he saw the box with a big red bow.

But when open the box,and saw the tiny adorable Beagle inside the gift box, he couldn’t hold back his tears.

The little puppy also seems to have taken to him almost immediately. The bond was instant and they can sense that this is going to be a joyful and mutually beneficial association.

The puppy brought him so much joy and his family’s hopes for something that would help his depression were answered.

NTD Photo
Screenshot of video from Caters News Agency / Facebook

“The puppy has already changed Peter’s life; it has made him happy after a very difficult three years,” Dena told Caters News Agency.

Thanks to a thoughtful mom and supportive family, this mentally scarred Marine is now hopefully on the way to driving the demons from his mind, and finding a way back in to the normal society.

Watch the beautiful video from Caters News Agency below!

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