Mass Illegal Immigration Threatening US Food Security: Veterinary Expert

As the border crisis continues, entire pillars of the U.S. food supply could be at risk due to mass illegal immigration, according to Dr. Michael Vickers, a veterinarian who served on the Texas Animal Health Commission. NTD speaks to Darlene Sanchez, a reporter for The Epoch Times who interviewed Dr. Vickers in March. Ms. Sanchez also visited the Darien Gap migrant pass recently to learn more about the conditions migrants face in making their way to the Southern border.

Ms. Sanchez explains how zoonotic tuberculosis has been spreading from illegal immigrants to dairy cattle in Texas, with thousands of head having to be destroyed due to TB infection. The recent screwworm outbreak in Central America also poses a threat to American livestock, as the worms can enter migrants’ open wounds or hitch a ride on luggage before transferring onto animals, with the larvae burrowing beneath the skin before, effectively, eating the hosts alive.