Massive herd of buffalo fights against 5 lions and 2 crocodiles to protect their baby calf

Massive herd of buffalo fights against 5 lions and 2 crocodiles to protect their baby calf

A group of tourists visiting Kruger National Park in South Africa were fortunate enough to witness a pride of lions separate a buffalo calf from the herd.

The eight-and-a-half-minute clip shows a dramatic battle between a heard of Cape buffalo, a small pride of lions and a pair of crocodiles.

The video begins when a pair of adult buffalo and a baby approach a watering hole, unaware lions are resting nearby. Moments later the lions attack the buffalo, pulling the baby into the water and forcing the distressed adult buffalo to flee.

The lions surround the baby buffalo, attempting to pull it out of the water before it is grabbed by a pair of crocodiles. A gruesome tug of war ensues before the crocodiles eventually give up. The lions then begin to drag the buffalo out of the water to eat until they are quickly surrounded by the reorganized buffalo herd. The remarkable footage then shows the buffalo attack the lions, tossing one into the air. The lions are eventually chased away by the buffalo and the baby buffalo remarkably returns to the herd.