Mat Staver: Fed Database of Vax Exemption Requests Can Only Have ‘Nefarious Reason’

Cindy Drukier
By Cindy Drukier
February 26, 2022The Nation Speaks

In theory, government workers can apply for a religious exemption to vaccine mandates if they have a sincerely held religious objection. In practice, however, very few exemptions have been granted. In the military for example, as of February 24, the Air Force had approved 13 requests, the Marine Corps 3, the Navy 1 conditional approval, and the Army zero. There are multiple lawsuits in play across the country, many launched by the Liberty Counsel.

The Liberty Counsel is also raising alarm bells about another aspect of this story:—that 55 federal agencies and departments are keeping a database of anyone who’s applied for an exemption. 

We sit down with Liberty Counsel founder and chairman, Mat Staver, about the database being collected, not just of government workers but contractors, summer interns, visitors, and event attendees who submit for an exemption. Staver says there can only be a “nefarious reason” for this action, “there is no legitimate reason to have this kind of data in a federal database.”