Meet the People Who Look Like Twins but Aren’t Actually Related

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 19, 2019Science & Tech
Meet the People Who Look Like Twins but Aren’t Actually Related
Actor Shia LaBeouf at the 69th annual Cannes Film Festival on May 15, 2016. (Photo by Pool/Getty Images)

Theory has it that you have at least one doppelgänger walking the earth, who not only shares the same traits as you but also bears coincidental similarities when it comes to profession, hobbies, and fate.

Meet Neil Richardson and John Jemison who not only look the same but share a lot of habits, hobbies, and interests—oh, and they live in the same village, 7News reported.

When Neil moved to the village of Braintree, Essex, people kept saying “Hello John” to him.

“I moved to Braintree, and I knew nobody absolutely nobody in the town,” Neil recalls. “I was very surprised to find people waving at me. [I] couldn’t quite see why because I didn’t know anybody.”

One day, a shop owner was so much convinced he was John that Neil had to take out his wallet and show his credit card to prove his identity.

Neil was so intrigued by his body-double John that he decided to look out for him.

“I kept thinking, ‘I must try and find out who he is. He looks like me, so I’ll look for him.’ I looked around when shopping, I looked at people’s faces, but I didn’t see anyone.”

One year later, on a day trip with a local history group, he saw a man who looked just like him. He walked up to the man and said:

‘Excuse me, I’m guessing that you’re John Jemison.’ ‘Yes,’ John said with a bow, ‘What have I done now?’ ‘Oh nothing at all, please don’t fret. I’ve been called by your name and it drives me insane so I thought it was time that we met.’”

Since then the two have met up regularly and discovered they bear the most unlikely similarities.

Both met their wives and proposed within two weeks and have been happily married over for 50 years. Both love poetry, both studied religious education at the same institution.

Moreover, both have a son that play the didgeridoo.

Just in case you thought things couldn’t get crazier: meet Brady Feigl and… Brady Feigl.

They not only have the same ginger-colored hair, red-haired beard and look exactly the same, but they—yes, you guessed it—bear the same name, Inside edition reported in 2016.

Both are pitchers in the Minor League, they’re both 6’4″, and both wear the same type of glasses.

Oh, and wait, both underwent the same medical procedure for their elbow, known as Tommy John surgery and were treated by the same doctor.

Being a spitting-image of a celebrity isn’t all up-votes on Reddit—apparently, it can warrant a black eye.

Shia LaBeouf Doppelgänger Sucker Punched for His Resemblance to Actor

NTD Photo
Actor Shia LaBeouf in London, England, October 19, 2014. (Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for BFI)

Mario Licato was allegedly punched in the eye due to his resemblance to actor Shia LaBeouf.

According to the 26-year-old, he was entering a New York City subway station on the corner of Essex and Delancey streets on April 23, 2016, when he was sucker-punched by a stranger.

“I just saw a fist coming at my face,” Licato said in an interview with People magazine. “And the next thing I know I was, like, falling down the stairs and all I heard was, ‘That’s because you look exactly like Shia LaBeouf.’ ”

Licato was “knocked out cold” and awoke to a bloodied face and broken glasses. A couple who witnessed the incident described the assailant as a “white frat boy” who stood at least 6 feet tall.

No known arrests have been made, and upon last report the investigation was still underway—police were scouring for surveillance footage of the one-sided fight.

This isn’t the first time Licato has been compared to the “Transformers” actor. He’s been told “a bunch of times—10 times I would say, at least.”


Epoch Times reporter Chika Dunu contributed to this report