Mike Kelly Takes Pennsylvania Case to Supreme Court

A State court rejected an election lawsuit filed by Republican Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Kelly last week.

Now, he’s taken it to the Supreme Court, asking a justice to prohibit the Pennsylvania governor and state secretary from certifying their ballot count.

Pennsylvania officials say the certification for Democrat Joe Biden’s victory is finished.

But Kelly’s emergency request takes it a step further and asks the judge to void the certification even if it’s already been completed, and he’s getting some public support from the Senate.

Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz urged the Supreme Court to take up the appeal, seconding that Pennsylvania made illegal changes to the election rules in the middle of the game.

He also said: “Ordinarily, the U.S. Supreme Court would stay out of election disputes, especially concerning state law. But these are not ordinary times.”

Pennsylvania State Secretary Kathy Boockvar responded to the appeal, saying that Kelly only raised issues on state law in state court, but only now for the appeal has he raised issues about federal law.

She says that, legally, the Supreme Court can’t get involved in this case.