Mike Lindell: ‘We Can Never Back Down in Fear’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 12, 20202020 Election

WASHINGTON—Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, spoke at a rally the day after the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit brought by Texas against four states alleging an unconstitutional election, optimistic that election fraud would be exposed and justice would prevail.

“Donald Trump will be our president for four more years,” he said to a cheering crowd.

He said that attorney Sidney Powell told him all of her lawsuits on election fraud in four states are now heading to the Supreme Court.

“I got good news for everybody, Sidney Powell I got a text last night, and Texas had nothing to do with what they’re doing, they [Powell] turned in all of their lawsuits to the Supreme Court last night, the four states, and now all the fraud will be revealed.”

Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states.

Lindell is known for his American Dream story, of an ex-cocaine addict turning his life around and running a successful business. “From the crack house to the White House,” as he says. Lindell has since used his life of many miracles as a platform to speak about God and traditional American values.

Lindell told the crowd of how he met Donald Trump before he became president, and became a supporter of Trump’s because of the man’s strength of character and faith in God. But the same reason Trump won Lindell’s support resulted in the media smearing his name and character, he told the crowd.

“We can never back down in fear, we only have one fear and that’s fear of the Lord,” Lindell said. “I will tell you, the attacks I had this summer and the attacks the president had from this pandemic … they’re trying to take away Christmas, they tried to take away Thanksgiving. And they tried to steal this election.”

“It doesn’t make sense to me that the media tries to stop this and tries to block us from seeing,” Lindell said. “If there’s nothing to hide, why can’t these judges take this in and look at this to see if anything was done wrong? Everybody should want this.”

Lindell says that though there was fraud, there is also a blessing from God.

“Because he got so many votes that they had to backfill, now we all know it was fraud,” he said. “Now it’s all going to be exposed. The whole world is watching. Now in the future, we’re going to have the fairest elections in history. Starting, I want Georgia to listen, Georgia you better have a fair election.”

“The whole world is watching,” he said. “We are in, because of this exposed fraud, the opportunity of a lifetime. We are living in the most blessed time in history because we are going to be the ones to expose this. This has been a spiritual battle in our country for decades.”

“This is the start of the greatest revival in history for one nation under God,” he said.

This video is part of our special series ‘What Voters Say.’ To watch more videos click here.