Missouri Woman Finds Bomb on Her Front Porch

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
March 21, 2018US News
Missouri Woman Finds Bomb on Her Front Porch
File image of police tape. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

A Missouri woman was shocked to walk outside this week only to find a bomb on her front porch.

Alexis Washington said that she was up late caring for her newborn daughter and young son when she heard a loud pop coming from the porch, then saw a flash of red light.

When she went outside, she found the bomb, she told KSHB.

She immediately called 911.

“The cop told me then that the propane tank was leaking, there was ammunition on top of it with a paper towel that was lit on fire,” Washington said. “A bomb? I just don’t understand, like a bomb? You can’t fight that. That’s why it’s just like you’ve got to go. I got to go.”

Capt. Jeff Wilson with the St. Joseph Police Department said it was definitely a bomb.

Wilson told NBC 2 that the bomb was homemade, and noted the porch was doused with kerosene.

“It was a device that we believe was designed to impart an explosion of some sort,” Wilson said.

Washington said that the paper towel went out, which is probably what caused the bomb to not go off.

She said she feels lucky to be alive, reported KQ 2.

“I probably am a little paranoid at this point because that’s scary. I mean who would want to blow up anyone, period?” she said, noting she has already moved to another home.

“It was a very frightening thing because my son was there on the other side of that window right by it and he was asleep, he had just went to sleep. I was like ‘what am I supposed to do,” she said.

The police said authorities with the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm bureau are working with officers to find a suspect.

“This investigation will continue. The detectives will continue to run down leads that they have in reference to this,” Capt. Wilson said.

The attempted bombing comes as authorities in Texas try to hunt down a person or people responsible for a string of package bombs that have killed multiple people in and around Austin.

Five explosions have taken place over the past 18 days, prompting hundreds of investigators to work together to look for the perpetrator and a motive.

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