Mother with risky pregnancy was prepared for the death of her baby, but 12 years later it has become an amazing story of survival!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 14, 2017Stories
Mother with risky pregnancy was prepared for the death of her baby, but 12 years later it has become an amazing story of survival!

Twelve years ago, doctors told her that her pregnancy was risky not only for her baby but for her as well – but this mighty mother took the risk, keeping hope and unshakable faith alive in her heart. Today her little angel is a bundle of pure joy and inspiration for many!

This is a story of the couple Eric and Tammy,  they wanted to have a baby. But when Tammy was tested, she was diagnosed with lupus—a condition that adversely affects fetal growth and increases the risk of miscarriage.

But Tammy was determined to become a mother, so she went through with her pregnancy. It was was hard time for her family to face the journey ahead and maintain its optimism and will.

(Screenshot of ‘Opera – Where Are They Now’ video)

Doctors gave regular feedback.  They told Tammy that the baby was not growing at the normal pace. At 19 weeks, the doctors told her she could deliver, but her daughter would have a zero chance of survival.

But Tammy stayed positive and hoped for the best. At 27 weeks, the doctors revised their opinion and gave her a 5 percent chance of survival. She was put on a bed rest and was visiting the hospital every other day for checkups.

The operation was still perilous. Doctors informed her husband that even if their baby survived, the entire pregnancy had already put his wife’s life at risk and she might not make it through delivery. For Eric, signing his daughter’s birth certificate felt like sentencing his wife to death.


But a miracle happened, with consistent help from doctors no doubt, but also due to Tammy’s unshakable belief in her daughter will to live, both mother and child survived, and now Zoe is 12 years old.


“There is nothing else I ever wanted more than to be a mom. The first several weeks were very iffy. Nobody knew what was going to happen, we didn’t know if she was still going to make it,” Tammy says in the Opera – Where Are They Now video below.

“Doctors didn’t know. They have never experienced this, so they were guessing too,” says Eric in the video.


The blessed parents  often show Zoe photos of her fighting to survive, a testament to her brave soul.

“My parents told me lots of stories about my birth, and I guess that made me very happy, and it let me myself know that I was special,” Zoe says.

“I gathered my strength from her. You know from the experiences she was going through to fight to live,” her mother said.

“When you are in a situation when you don’t have any other choice but to be strong, you just have to be strong….God gives you that strength to make it through.”

It was a turbulent journey of faith, internal struggle, and medical dedication that allowed the couple to have the baby.

Whatever you go through in life, never give up.  Stay positive and do the best you can!