Mom Records Heartfelt Video for Her Son Before Giving Him up for Adoption

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
January 11, 2018News
Mom Records Heartfelt Video for Her Son Before Giving Him up for Adoption
(Hannah Mongie/YouTube)

A Utah woman who decided to give her newborn son up for adoption decided to send him a video so he would know how much she loved him.

Hannah Mongie shared a video on Jan. 2, almost two years after her son was born in March 2016.

In the emotional video, Mongie explains to her son, Taggart, how she met his father.

She then proceeds to tell him how his father died shortly after her eight-week pregnancy scan.

“I hope anyone who watches this will be able to gain a new perspective on what the birth mom goes through when she places her child for adoption. It is the FARTHEST thing from a heartless act. It shows the definition of love,” Mongie wrote in the description for the video, which she posted on YouTube.

“To love someone this much is to give away your happiness for them.”

Mongie noted that she arranged for an open adoption, and Taggart’s new parents live only 10 minutes down the road from her. Under the open adoption, Mongie can see her son a lot.

A number of people responded to the footage.

“I know who my birth mother is, but everyday I miss the lost chance of growing up with her. I understand why she had to do it and I thank her for giving me life. I will always love her,” wrote one user.

I was in tears watching your video and I hope that my feelings for my real mum help you in some way. I’m sending you so much love, you are so strong.”

Another added, “I don’t think I could ever give my baby up. This is selfless and people should not judge why she made this choice. She felt she could not give this child her all and blessed someone with a child. I really wish you all the best Hannah.”

And another echoed the sentiments, saying: “This made me cry. I have so much respect for you doing this video and showing the love and history that most adopted children will never get. God bless!”


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