Mother panda and her newborn reunite at last

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 17, 2017Entertainment


Pandas are some of the most recognizable and loved animals on the planet. It’s no wonder that they are taken care of all over the world. They are very fragile and small when they are born and often look nothing like their adult versions.  


When a newborn is at high risk there are extra measures and precautionary checks that must be taken to improve its health and ensure its survival. This baby panda was taken from her mother, Min Min, and put into a nursery when she was just barely born to monitor its health.


The newborn was returned to Min Min once she was deemed healthy enough but there are often issues with reintroducing pandas to their newborns. Due to a lack of bonding time, mother pandas sometimes don’t recognize their own baby’s scent and reject them from the care it needs by ignoring the little infant completely.


Min Min was hesitant at first and wanted nothing to do with her newborn. The baby struggled to walk on its own on the cold ground and was helpless without her. Prospects weren’t looking good so the keepers took the baby back to the nursery for a while in an effort to make Min Min more comfortable.

Min Min’s maternal instincts finally kicked in and she was able to recognize her newborn. She picked up the baby and began to comfort her newborn by cradling it in her arms and the two were happily reunited together.
