Mother duck calls police to help save her ducklings

Mother duck calls police to help save her ducklings

A police officer  was able to rescue an entire family of ducks in the middle of a downtown metropolis. The story began with passersby called the police station, reporting a duck causing a major ruckus on the sidewalk, quacking very loudly and drawing a lot of attention.

Upon investigation of the scene, the police officers were able to discover why the duck was acting so distressed and causing the pandemonium. The mother’s entire brood of baby ducklings had fallen down the storm drain and couldn’t get out without help. Climbing down the manhole, these gallant officers were able to recover every last duckling, and release the reunited family on the shores of a nearby pond.

Watch in this video the heart warming moment, when all the frightened babies are finally reunited with their relieved mother- possibly one of the cutest things ever: