MRC: Legacy Media Bias Tilted the Election

Miguel Moreno
By Miguel Moreno
November 25, 2020NTD Evening News

The Media Research Center, a media watchdog founded in the 80s, says that an average of about 17 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they were aware of certain stories either not covered or buried by the leftist legacy media.

Brent Bozell, the founder of MRC, says President Trump would have certainly won six out of the seven battleground states where they surveyed the 1,750 Biden voters.

They surveyed voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

To list a few of their findings: 35 percent were unaware of the sexual allegations Tara Reade made against Joe Biden, 43 percent were unaware of President Trump’s Middle East peace deals that got him Nobel Peace Prize nominations, and about 45 percent had no idea about the Joe and Hunter Biden financial scandal.

If the average shift away from Biden were applied to the nation, based on current election data, Biden would at least lose over 13.5 million votes.

13 million is 17 percent of Biden’s 79 million votes.

Bozell says this is the deliberate result of biased media coverage from the leftist legacy media.

He’s now encouraging conservative organizations to get into the storytelling business to fight the spread of fake news.