National And Local SF Organizations On Proposition C—Vote No

Ilene Eng
By Ilene Eng
September 20, 2019US News

SAN FRANCISCO—A representative from the American Medical Association announced it endorsed a no vote on a measure that authorizes the sale of e-cigarette and other vapor products that have not been approved by the FDA. The measure Proposition C (prop C) stipulates regulations around the sale of e-cigarettes, and other rules possibly designed to allow advertising to minors.

The announcement shows that doctors across the nation are against this set of e-cigarette regulations, known as Proposition C.

In San Francisco, the San Francisco Chronicle editors, a healthcare organization, and a Chinese Health Coalition all announced at a news conference Thursday that they endorse “no” on Prop C.

“NEMS as a healthcare organization, we endorse no on Prop C. San Francisco Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics also endorse no on Prop C,” said Kenneth Tai, Chief Medical Officer of North East Medical Services (NEMS).

“It goes against everything that we stand for in trying to enhance the health and well being of our community,” said Kent Woo, executive director of NICOS Chinese Health Coalition.

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control announced that 530 people have lung injuries related to e-cigarettes or vaping. The majority are young people between the ages of 18-34 and about 16 percent are under 18.

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable because it harms the developing brain and can lead to a lifetime addiction.

According to the president of the San Francisco Marin Medical Society, general surgeon John Ma, those opposing the proposition are not trying to have e-cigarettes banned. They aim to have stricter regulations for e-cigarettes that do not have FDA approval—especially since Juul, an e-cigarette provider, creates flavored vapors that attract the youth.

“What Juul is trying to do is to overturn that. They’re using a very deceptive process, not a referendum,” said John Ma, president of SF Marin Medical Society.

Local politicians including Scott Weiner, Aaron Peskin, David Chiu, and others also joined the news conference to show their opposition to Prop. C.

They hope that on November 5, people will vote against Prop C and keep the existing laws to ban flavored e-cigarettes and vapor products not approved by the FDA, to keep the young generation safe and healthy.