National Guardsman Offers to Kill VP Pence for Cash, Gets Arrested

Ivan Pentchoukov
By Ivan Pentchoukov
September 12, 2017US News
National Guardsman Offers to Kill VP Pence for Cash, Gets Arrested
Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, tour the Flight 93 National Memorial on the 16th Anniversary ceremony of the September 11th terrorist attacks, September 11, 2017 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field outside Shanksville, PA with 40 passengers and 4 hijackers aboard on September 11, 2001. (Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)

A 22-year-old member of the National Guard offered to kill Vice President Mike Pence for money in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

William Dunbar of Berlin, made the threat twice while on duty at the Army National Guard Training Center, prompting co-workers to report him to officers in charge.

“If someone pays me enough money, I will kill the vice president,” Dunbar said, according to Richland County police, New York Post reported.

Police arrived and arrested Dunbar shortly after. He was taken to the Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation and then to the county jail, where he is being held on $250,000 bond.

NTD Photo
William Dunbar

Police charged Dunbar with disorderly conduct and making terroristic threats. Both are misdemeanors.

Pence visited Shanksville, Pa., on Monday for the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to honor the victims of Flight 93.

The flight crashed near Dhanksville, killing the 33 passengers and 7 crew members on board. Audio recordings later revealed that the passengers worked together to subdue the terrorists, potentially saving the lives of those who were at the terrorists’ intended destination.

Pence and his wife joined dignitaries and Americans who lost their loved ones in the plane crash for a wreath-laying ceremony and to walk out into the open field, which has since been turned into the Flight 93 National Memorial of the U.S. National Park Service.

Pence was in his first term in Congress when the attacks occurred.

“As a new member of Congress, I was going through my normal workday routine at the United States Capitol when I had learned of the attacks in New York City and at the Pentagon,” Pence said on Monday. “I will always remember the scenes of that day, watching the Capitol complex being evacuated. It was as though the building was literally hemorrhaging with people running in every direction.”

Pence went to the Capitol Police headquarters with other House and Senate leaders when they received a chilling message.

“The chief of police set the phone back down and informed the leaders gathered there that there was a plane inbound for the Capitol, and he said it was 12 minutes out,” Pence recalled.

NTD Photo
A National Park Service Ranger presents a wreath to Vice President Mike Pence and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke at the Flight 93 National Memorial on the 16th Anniversary ceremony of the September 11th terrorist attacks, September 11, 2017 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. (Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)

He said he remembers the room going silent and how he peered out the window at the statue atop the Capitol dome.

“It was the longest 12 minutes of my life. But it turned to 13 minutes. Then 14,” Pence said. “Then we were informed that the plane had gone down in a field in Pennsylvania.”

Pence described the passengers aboard the flight heroes and “men and women who looked evil squarely in the eye and without regard to their personal safety” and “rushed forward to save lives.”

Reuters contributed to this report.