NBA Brooklyn Nets’ Owner Joe Tsai Tied to China

The billionaire owner of a major U.S. basketball team is also the co-founder of Chinese tech giant Alibaba. A report sheds light on how he’s linked to China.

Food and medicine are in short supply under Shanghai’s lockdown. Millions of residents are still stuck at home, but some are starting to speak out.

What is life like inside a Xinjiang labor camp? A former detainee tells his story.

TikTok’s ad revenue is primed to surpass Twitter’s and Snapchat’s combined. Most of that money comes from the United States. But many still say the video-sharing app spells danger for Americans.

Inflation is hitting the United States hard. But it’s not just an American issue. Wallets around the world are feeling the pain, and people across Asia see the problem on their dining tables.

Topics in this episode:
Shanghai Residents Describe Living Under Lockdown
Chinese Labor Camp Detainee Describes Ordeal
TikTok Revenue To Surpass Twitter, Snapchat Combined
Inflation Bites Food Stalls Across Asia
U.S. Shows Support For Taiwan w/ 2-day Visit
Taiwan Seeks To Protect Chip Industry
Resident Anger Over Rotten Vegetables Amid Shortage
Video: Masks Removed During Chinese Premier’s Speech
A Look At North Korea’s Weapons Capabilities

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