Who needs a sled when you are an otter?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 9, 2017Entertainment
Who needs a sled when you are an otter?

Just imagine, if you could be any animal—wouldn’t it be nice to be a carefree, slippery one? One that could slide down this snowy mountain without need of a sled, for example.

River otters can live up to 16 years. These underwater hunters like fishing in rivers and lakes around the world and spend most of their time doing just that. A thick fur coat traps air bubbles against their skin, which provides warmth as they dive into sometimes frigid waters. This fur coat is found on both river otters, and their oceanic cousins, the sea otters.  So, if an otter isn’t fishing or playing in the water, you can probably guess it’s grooming and fluffing its coat to keep it oiled and in good condition.

Let’s get back to this one happy otter that’s enjoying some fresh powdered snow on a hill perfect for sledding—otter style: