Nevada Begins Election Fraud Hearing

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 3, 2020NTD Evening News

Hearings for the disputed election results for Nevada began on Dec. 3 inside the Carson City Courthouse.

Jesse Binnall, leading attorney for the prosecution, gave a large list of alleged voter fraud.

The list includes:

Over 19,000 voters from out of state. Over 8,000 votes from fake addresses. Over 15,000 votes from a commercial address or a vacant property. Over 6,000 votes from addresses that were flagged by the post office for non-delivery. Over 1,500 votes from the deceased.

According to Binnall, that’s not even the most compelling evidence.

“And most compelling, most incredible, over 40,000 voters voted more than once. Everybody gets exactly one vote, no more, no less. You get one vote. The court heard this evidence today, we put on the exact case we wanted to put on, showing striking evidence of voter fraud and voter irregularities,” said Binnall.

Binnall said the court asked relevant questions, a sign that they are taking this case seriously.

“If we are going to stand up for election integrity, if we are going to stand up for making sure it is the voters, legal voters, that choose the president of the United States, and not bad actors, we have a long fight ahead of us. But this was a great day for being able to put real evidence of voter fraud in a courtroom,” said Binnall.

For the defense, attorney Kevin Hamilton said the case should be dismissed based on a lack of evidence and specific names.

“They alleged that letter carriers violated USPS policies by delivering ballots to homes where voters don’t live, but they don’t identify any of them. Your honor, this is trial by allegation, not proof,” said Hamilton.

However, the Trump legal team alleges such proof is being obstructed. They said the obstruction came from the USPS and Nevada officials from both the state and county level. Further, witnesses have come forward to testify on behalf of the prosecution.

Matt Schlapp, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, said it’s very hard to gather the evidence in such a short time.

“This is the first time in the country that we’re going to have a chance to present this evidence. Now I spent 36 days in the recount in the year 2000 in Bush v. Gore, and we lost and lost and lost in court until we won. It’s not about your record of how many wins and how many losses you have. It’s about who prevails in the end. And if we count every legal vote, Donald Trump won the race,” said Schlapp.

Schlapp said he has over 1,000 testimonials and sworn statements from people who were either victims or witnessed the wrongdoing.

“You can’t have half the country doubt the election result. So win, lose, or draw, both sides should be completely invested in making sure that there’s no illegal ballots in the count,”  said Schlapp.

Both legal teams submitted their order at 10:00 a.m., but the ruling will be delayed until a later time.