New Policy for a Modern China

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 16, 2018China News

The United States’ policy towards China must change, according to a former Deputy National Security Adviser.

In an interview at the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, Stephen Yates gave his viewpoints on U.S.-China relations.

Yates believes China has been engaging in Soviet-era activity since the communist regime took over. “I think the People’s Republic of China under the Communist Party of China has declared a cold war on Western civilization, and it’s really a question of what will western civilization decide to respond more effectively,” Yates says.

Yates says that China, as of 2018, is fundamentally different from the China of the 70s. He hopes Chinese experts focus on today’s challenges instead of the “very incomplete words of the past.”

“If China has been changing the status quo for a quarter century, then our policy needs to catch up with those changes,” he says.

Yates described Vice President Mike Pence’s speech as highly comprehensive, focusing on challenges China presents within the United States.

Yates believes that President Donald Trump will continue to take a strong position on trade. He expects economics will be a foremost topic in both the upcoming APEC and G20 talks.