New York Democrats Look to Censure Andrew Cuomo

New York Democrats Look to Censure Andrew Cuomo
Jim Malatras, president of SUNY Empire State College (L), listens as New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo (R), takes one final question while leaving his daily CCP virus press briefing at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y., on April 28, 2020. (Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images)

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Eleven New York State Democrats introduced a resolution on Monday to censure Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo for covering up nursing home deaths and threatening lawmakers.

The resolution, signed by elected members of the New York State Democratic Party, condemned Cuomo for his lack of transparency on nursing home deaths and “belligerent conduct” towards public officials, according to the New York Post.

“Actions have consequences. I consider it my responsibility as a representative of the Democrats in my community to hold members of our party accountable, from City Council up to the Governor,” said Queens Democratic District Leader Emilia Decaudin in a statement to the Post.

Democrats introduced this resolution following bipartisan backlash last week to leaked audio of Cuomo’s top aide Melissa DeRosa allegedly admitting the state hid data on nursing home deaths from the federal government during a closed-door meeting with state Senate Democrats.

Similarly, state assembly Republicans announced their intention to form an impeachment commission to investigate Cuomo last week.

The resolution also alleged that Cuomo “sought to deceive the public” and criticized him for making time to write a book and distribute a “self-congratulatory poster” instead of addressing lawmakers’ demands for data on nursing homes.

“During this entire ordeal where the governor claims to not have had time and human resources to comply with requests for information, the governor did have time to write a book congratulating himself for New York’s COVID-19 response, have a self-congratulatory poster created and circulated before the worst of the pandemic was,” the resolution read.

Democrats further alleged Cuomo’s administration  “repeatedly stymied and refused” to comply with requests for data on nursing home deaths “due to fear of” legal and political accountability,” as reported by the Post.

Despite the pushback to Cuomo’s handling of COVID-19, New York State Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs dismissed the resolution as “very political’.

“I don’t see it going anywhere. There will always be those who will see an opportunity to try to enhance their own relevance. I don’t care for this opportunistic action at the state committee,” said Jacobs to the Post.

BBradley Stein

From The Daily Callar News Foundation

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