Newsmakers (Dec. 21): The Battle for the Border and Title 42

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
December 21, 2022Newsmakers
Live Chat

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, talks to Newsmakers about the battle around the U.S.-Mexico border and Title 42, and the recent related Supreme Court action.

Retired FBI agent Marc Ruskin gives a deep dive analysis into what the “Twitter Files” reveal about FBI actions.

Meteorologist John Moore with the National Weather Service talks about the severe weather set to impact almost the entire United States and affect Christmas travel.

Truth Social CEO and former Congressman Devin Nunes gives his perspective on what the Twitter Files reveal.

China specialist Gen. Robert Spalding speaks on the Chinese regime’s response to a surge in Chinese COVID cases.

  • Title 42 and the Battle for the Border
  • What Do the ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal About the FBI?
  • Superstorm Set to Hit Almost All States
  • Truth Social CEO talks about ‘Twitter Files’ revelations
  • Chinese regime’s response to China’s COVID surge