One of a kind staircase is giant piano

One of a kind staircase is giant piano

If something is as simple as it is fun, then it’s the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better. Behind such a simple idea is a lot more than you might think. The Fun Theory, an initiative supported by Volkswagen, set themselves the challenge to prove this.

In this case there’s a set of stairs, leading out of Odenplan subway station in Stockholm, Sweden — but because of an escalator just next to it, hardly anyone was using the stairs. So the team transformed them overnight and made it a lot more fun to walk.

It didn’t take long for the first person to “play” the stairs — and in fact 66 percent more people than normal now use the stairs. This video sparked a flurry on the internet as some people start using this set of stairs as a real instrument, and sharing their own videos.


Volkswagen has been launching their website which show various ways they have attempted to change our behavior for the better.