No Signatures Verification for 2nd Georgia Recount

Melina Wisecup
By Melina Wisecup
November 25, 2020NTD Evening News

Cobb County is one of Georgia’s 159 counties that started their second recount on Nov. 24.

This time it won’t be by hand and no new procedures will be used, as the secretary of state denied the Trump campaign’s request to verify signatures.

Governor Kemp said he thinks there should be verification, but according to a source familiar with the governor, he’s not putting pressure on the secretary of state to make sure that happens.

NTD’s reporter spoke with Kemp at a function the other day and mentioned that they need an independent audit to verify the actual signatures of all the mail-in ballots and an audit of the Dominion voting system.

The secretary of state said “it’s not possible to verify signatures during the counting process because it would compromise voter privacy,” which means a violation of state election rules.

The Trump campaign has repeatedly said that they think the recounts here in Georgia are essentially worthless without signature verification, but it leaves a question as to why they still want the state to continue with this second recount if they aren’t getting that signature verification that they want.

One poll observer told us she thinks the campaign is taking various approaches behind the scenes during this recount to identify any potential fraud.

However, NTD can’t verify if that’s what the campaign’s intentions are.