Now is not the time,” British PM blocks second Scottish independence vote

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 17, 2017World News

The Scottish National Party accused the ruling Conservatives of running scared from a second independence referendum, before Brexit talks are complete.

The SNP’s deputy leader, Angus Robertson will open his party’s spring conference on Friday by saying the people of Scotland should decide their own future.

That after the British prime minister said, “Now is not the time” for a second vote north of the border.

“Right now we should be working together not pulling apart. We should be working together to get that right deal for Scotland, that right deal for the UK, that’s my job as prime minister and so for that reason I say to the SNP (Scottish National Party) now is not the time.”

Theresa May arguing it would divert attention away from getting a good deal with the EU …

And be unfair to ask people to decide, without knowing the results of Brexit talks.

The PM was careful though, not to reject a referendum outright.

She will kick off her party conference in Cardiff on Friday, by promising to fight for a stronger, United Kingdom.
