NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (March 23)

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Members of Congress and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew engaged in a series of heated exchanges over the app’s ties to China’s communist regime at a House hearing on TikTok’s data privacy practices on March 23. Crossroads Host Joshua Philipp tells NTD’s Stefania Cox that Shou’s promises should not be trusted.

The Manhattan grand jury will not meet on March 23 to weigh evidence or deliberate in the hush money case against former President Donald Trump. This is the second day in a row that District Attorney Alvin Bragg has called off the meeting, which usually convenes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Meanwhile, Bragg has lashed out again at the House GOP for their investigation of why he is going after Trump.

Has the government been weaponized against law-abiding gun owners? Republican lawmakers say a new rule could now turn legal gun owners into criminals. Two House committees held a joint hearing to see if the government is infringing upon the Second Amendment.