NTD Good Morning Full Broadcast (March 22)

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Former President Donald Trump unveiled his plan to dismantle what he calls the “Deep State.” And demonstrators both for and against Trump’s potential arrest voiced their opinions.

Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping is wrapping up his Moscow visit. The White House weighs in on the Chinese Communist Party’s peace plans for Russia and Ukraine.

We’re hours away from a Federal Reserve decision on whether it will hike interest rates. Find out what that could mean for the economy.

Topics in this episode include:

1. White House Criticizes China’s Ukraine Peace Plan
2. IMF to Offer Ukraine $15.6 Billion Financial Package
3. Yellen Says US Ready to Protect Small Banks
4. Should Fed Hike Rates By a Quarter Point?: Economist
5. Trump Reveals Plan to Dismantle ‘Deep State’
6. LA School Strike Enters Second Day
7. Senators Propose Raising Mandatory Pilot Retirement Age
8. Sandstorms Shroud Beijing and Northern China
9. Air Force Commander Warns China on Taiwan Invasion
10. Beauty Pageant: Righteousness, Propriety, Benevolence