NTD Good Morning Full Broadcast (May 23)

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A U-Haul truck crashed into security barriers near the White House on May 22. A Secret Service spokesperson says the driver was arrested. We have the details.

TikTok sues Montana for banning the social media app. And it’s not the only lawsuit the state is facing on the matter. Hear the arguments being made.

No dice yet on a new debt-limit deal: President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy walk away from negotiations empty-handed. Will they be able to avert a default?

Topics in this episode include:

1. U-Haul Crashes Into Barriers Near White House
2. No Debt Ceiling Agreement
3. 1.5 Million People Applied for Migrant Sponsorship
4. New York Pushes for Migrant Work Permits
5. Michigan Governor Signs Red Flag Law
6. TikTok Sues Montana Over New Law Banning App
7. Cross-Border Raid into Russia
8. Idaho College Murder Suspect Stands Silent in Court
9. 3 States Reach Water Conservation Agreement
10. Bill Aims to Create Clear Food Label System
11. FAA Granting Over $100 M to 12 Airports
12. Money Worries Impact Americans’ Mental Health
13. Caught on Camera: Cow Lassoed on Interstate
14. Reverend Helping At-Risk Youth to Break the ‘Curse’