NTD UK News Full Broadcast (July 9)

Parliament has returned with more than half of the MPs sitting in the Commons for the first time. Labour and the Conservatives have swapped their positions, with Labour now on the government side. Sir Keir Starmer emphasises “service” in his first Commons speech as prime minister, while Rishi Sunak vows to be a professional and effective opposition.

Regional mayors have hailed the potential for a major change in their relationship with the government. Prime Minister Starmer said he would strive to build a “real partnership” with them, including a council for regions and nations.

Social media and smartphones are staples of modern life. But they easily dominate a child’s attention and can damage their development. A best-selling author puts forward a vision to help parents, while warning artificial intelligence will soon pose far bigger problems.

Before coming into power, the Labour Party pledged to add VAT on private school fees. They say this will raise funds for state schools. NTD discussed this and more with the chair for Campaign for Real Education, Chris McGovern.