NYC Cops Find Couple Who Lost Engagement Ring Down Subway Grate

By Reuters
December 2, 2018US News

NEW YORKNew York City police on Dec. 2 located a tourist couple whose unlucky marriage proposal went viral after their engagement ring fell down a Times Square subway grate.

A video of the incident shared on Twitter by the New York City Police Department on Dec. 1 collected more than 20,000 retweets, made headlines and managed to reach the newly engaged pair who had returned to the United Kingdom.

“The (now) happy couple is back in their home country, but thanks to your retweets they heard we were looking for them!” the NYPD wrote on Twitter on Dec. 2. “We’re making arrangements to get them their ring back. Congratulations!”

The video captured by security cameras showed the distressed couple trying, unsuccessfully, to retrieve the ring.

NYPD officers managed to recover and clean the piece of jewelry, but could not find the couple so made the appeal on social media.

More than 350,000 people visit Times Square in midtown Manhattan, known as “The Crossroads of the World,” every day.

By Maria Caspani